Monday, June 28, 2010

MEDIA RELEASE for Australian Sandwich Party


Here is my Media Release for the Australian Sandwich Party.

4 May 2010

The Australian Sanwich Party
"Providing Happy and Healthy Australians"

The Australian Sandwich Party is a new political party formed with the focus for the health and unity of all Australians.

We aim to achieve this goal by creating camaraderie nationwide and to also bring awarness to all fellow Australians by invoking better communication between Australian families.

"Not enough people are eating sandwiches, and obesity is on the rise, making Australia the fattest country in the world second to America. It is time to address this problem and together we can resolve this through proper dietary intake and excercise. We will as a nation overcome this issue and work on creating a happier and healthier nation", declares Kathleen Halloran, the Australian Sandwich Party leader.

In addition we will focus our attention on increasing employment by providing a number of various sandwich outlets across the country. The sandwich businesses will be very versatile and cater for a diverse range of needs and desires. Not only will this raise the employment opportunities, but also increase creativity amongst individuals and create an eco-diverse culture.

We believe that we can overcome the issues of transport and obesity by walking instead of driving. Thus reducing the carbon emissions of our country and also supporting individuals who feel healthier as a result from walking and eating healthier sandwiches. "People will be feeling happier as they start to consume more healthier alternatives, and as they start to walk more". Says Belinda Tinson the deputy leader of the Australian Sandwich Party.

We will be holding an inauguration party and press conference lunch where sanwiches will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend the conference held on the 7th of May at 12:00pm. This event will be held at the Win Entertainment Centre.

For further enquiries please contact Erin Burt on 0406070809 or email or feel free to call our ASP head office on 22232475.

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