Monday, June 28, 2010

Hi it's me! Belinda.

First let me explain about my recent posts.

For my (diploma) communications and media class I had to form a group with some other class mates where we were to come up with a new Political party. We finally decided and created a party known as the Australian Sandwich Party (ASP).
Our party focused on the health and wellbeing of Australians (as stated in the media release post below).
In order to promote our party we had to perform the following tasks

  • Email Mr Bradbury seeking sponsorship (pretend manager of Illawarra Mercury Newspaper)
  • Write a media release
  • Create an Radio Advertisement for ASP
  • Create a Promotional Poster

After we finished completing these tasks, the second part of my assessment was to put these 4 texts on my "Online Blog" which is what you can see now!

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