Monday, June 28, 2010

Work Placements- Merimbula News and Publicity Team for Skylight

Work Placement 1- Merimbula News


During early January of this year, I decided to do so some work Placement with "Merimbula News".

Getting Work Placement

I knew a manager at Merimbula News who I thought would help me get some work experience. In order to obtain this opportunity I had to use my skills that I had developed in a number of my classes to sell myself and convince the manager there that I was worth while having on board.

I constantly had to call him as he was not a very useful person. This taught me how to deal with people that are untrustworthy and unreliable though and I have learned a valuable life lesson from my dealings with him. That lesson was, "if it smells like shit, it probably is shit".

What I did during my Work Placement

During my placement it was very scattered. I was asked to come into the office and have a meeting with the manager where he would assign me a story. I did not feel that this was a valuable interface in any way as it felt like I was simply being brushed off. In terms of learning and developing though, nothing occured. The reason I was unable to learn from this experience was because I was assigned a story to write without any guidance, insight or help. The saying "throw 'em in the deep end and teach 'em to swim" was clearly absent from my experience.

However, when I was writing my story I had to make the decisions by myself as to what I was going to do. As I chose juvanile health I had to become familiar with the clinics and various other health services. It doesnt feel like I have learned anything from doing this as my researching skills were not developed or refined in any particular way.


A moment of self awakening occured when I realised how important it would be for me to get my drivers licence. The reason for this was when I realised how much I was relying on other people to get me to all the different places to research my story. I also realised that it helped to have a license if I was to go into this area of industry, as a journalism job requires alot of independence.

A positive that came out of this experience to an extent was that I learned to trust my instincts. When I walked into the News office it felt like something was wrong. As it turns out the boss didn't want me there and the manager I was dealing with deliberately neglected to inform me that I required insurance papers. From that I now understand that before undertaking any sort of work experience the onus is on myself to ensure that everything is ready to go because in business people are not reliable or interested in providing any sort of quality work experience unless they are going to achieve a material benefit out of it.

Work Placement 2 - Publicity Team for play "Skylight"

Recently, over these past few months while I have been completing my diploma of communications and media certificate, I have been commencing work placement with the production and publicity team of the play "Skylight" by David Hare.

It has been a privilage working on a play that was written by such a brilliant and respected play writer and I must admit that I've enjoyed every minute of it.

I was fortunate enough to be offered the position by my writing teacher Peter, who suggested that his wife Ann who was the leader in charge of the publicity group was providing the opportunity for some students to help her out on the promotion and advertising of the play.

So that is how I heard about it and got this opportunity.

What I did whilst working on the Team

  • I worked as part of a team to achieve goals
  • Edited Media Releases
  • Researched and created marketing ideas
  • Wrote cover letter to be sent out with "Skylight" flyer's
  • Researched information on public places where we could advertise
  • Visited cast and crew of play "Skylight"
  • Observed play rehearsals
  • Interviewed actors
  • Distributed flyer's
  • Facilitated the sales of tickets
  • Attended team Meetings

Reflective Learning

Positives: It was rewarding to be able to apply my knowledge and skills that I had obtained through my certificates in a real world situation. It made it more interesting and exciting, in addition to experience and learn real life situations that were not just theory's confined to the four corners of a peice of paper.

Negatives: At times the communication within the group was not as effective as it should have been. An example of this was when it was agreed that I would do something such as a task only to find that the group had decided to go in a different direction. This was a little fustrating as it wasted my time on pointless tasks, and the group was failing to harness all their resources. Hence, poor communication was an issue at times.


19 May 2010 - Started Work Placement

23 May 2010 - Met and interviewed actors and went to observe play rehearsals

24- 31 May 2010 - Market ideas and create media releases as a team

7-10 June 2010 - Research advertisement public area's in Canberra

11 June 2010 - Wrote cover letter to be attached to distributed flyer's

14 June 2010 - Edit and finialise media releases as a team

21 June 2010 - Arrange extra distribution of flyer's by hand

28 June 2010 - Email press releases

5- 13 June 2010 - Preparing the final arrangements for the play "Skylight"

14 July 2010 - Attending the play "Skylight" by David Hare at the Courtyard Studio Canberra Theatre

14 - 24 July 2010 - Play "Skylight" will be performing at the Courtyard Studio Canberra Theatre
Hi it's me! Belinda.

First let me explain about my recent posts.

For my (diploma) communications and media class I had to form a group with some other class mates where we were to come up with a new Political party. We finally decided and created a party known as the Australian Sandwich Party (ASP).
Our party focused on the health and wellbeing of Australians (as stated in the media release post below).
In order to promote our party we had to perform the following tasks

  • Email Mr Bradbury seeking sponsorship (pretend manager of Illawarra Mercury Newspaper)
  • Write a media release
  • Create an Radio Advertisement for ASP
  • Create a Promotional Poster

After we finished completing these tasks, the second part of my assessment was to put these 4 texts on my "Online Blog" which is what you can see now!

Promotional Poster

Radio Advertisement Script

MEDIA RELEASE for Australian Sandwich Party


Here is my Media Release for the Australian Sandwich Party.

4 May 2010

The Australian Sanwich Party
"Providing Happy and Healthy Australians"

The Australian Sandwich Party is a new political party formed with the focus for the health and unity of all Australians.

We aim to achieve this goal by creating camaraderie nationwide and to also bring awarness to all fellow Australians by invoking better communication between Australian families.

"Not enough people are eating sandwiches, and obesity is on the rise, making Australia the fattest country in the world second to America. It is time to address this problem and together we can resolve this through proper dietary intake and excercise. We will as a nation overcome this issue and work on creating a happier and healthier nation", declares Kathleen Halloran, the Australian Sandwich Party leader.

In addition we will focus our attention on increasing employment by providing a number of various sandwich outlets across the country. The sandwich businesses will be very versatile and cater for a diverse range of needs and desires. Not only will this raise the employment opportunities, but also increase creativity amongst individuals and create an eco-diverse culture.

We believe that we can overcome the issues of transport and obesity by walking instead of driving. Thus reducing the carbon emissions of our country and also supporting individuals who feel healthier as a result from walking and eating healthier sandwiches. "People will be feeling happier as they start to consume more healthier alternatives, and as they start to walk more". Says Belinda Tinson the deputy leader of the Australian Sandwich Party.

We will be holding an inauguration party and press conference lunch where sanwiches will be provided. Everyone is welcome to attend the conference held on the 7th of May at 12:00pm. This event will be held at the Win Entertainment Centre.

For further enquiries please contact Erin Burt on 0406070809 or email or feel free to call our ASP head office on 22232475.

EMAIL for the Australian Sandwich Party


From: Belinda Tinson (
Sent: Friday, 21 May 2010 2:31:39PM
To: Peter Bradbury (
1 attachment
My Media...docx (69.1KB)

Date: Thusday 21 May 2010

Greetings and Salutations Mr Bradbury,

My name is Belinda Tinson, secretary of the Australian Sandwich Party, and I am writing to you today regarding out imminent launch into the Australian political scene. Firstly, I wish to request of you the honour of having our party advertised within the pages of your very reputable newspaper, "The Mercury". I believe that your readers would benefit greatly by learning of our philosophy and the Mercury would be associated with a strong and positive movement regarding the health and wellbeing of society at large.

The second request I have of you is regarding sponsership. Bringing our powerful message to the people requires a substantial amount of capital, which we are currently seeking to expand. It would be greatly appreciated if we were able to meet with you or a representative and discuss some sponsorship opportunities. The Mercury in addition would receive a substantial amount of positive exposure in allying itself with our positive health movement.

Kind Regards,

B. Tinson

Belinda Tinson
(Secretary of the ASP)