Monday, June 28, 2010

EMAIL for the Australian Sandwich Party


From: Belinda Tinson (
Sent: Friday, 21 May 2010 2:31:39PM
To: Peter Bradbury (
1 attachment
My Media...docx (69.1KB)

Date: Thusday 21 May 2010

Greetings and Salutations Mr Bradbury,

My name is Belinda Tinson, secretary of the Australian Sandwich Party, and I am writing to you today regarding out imminent launch into the Australian political scene. Firstly, I wish to request of you the honour of having our party advertised within the pages of your very reputable newspaper, "The Mercury". I believe that your readers would benefit greatly by learning of our philosophy and the Mercury would be associated with a strong and positive movement regarding the health and wellbeing of society at large.

The second request I have of you is regarding sponsership. Bringing our powerful message to the people requires a substantial amount of capital, which we are currently seeking to expand. It would be greatly appreciated if we were able to meet with you or a representative and discuss some sponsorship opportunities. The Mercury in addition would receive a substantial amount of positive exposure in allying itself with our positive health movement.

Kind Regards,

B. Tinson

Belinda Tinson
(Secretary of the ASP)

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